The findings in this study will serve to inform the development of a Navajo Educational Media Guide that is to provide guidelines for a potential Navajo Educational Media Show that teaches the Navajo language and culture to pre-school aged children (4-6 years old). Implications from this study suggest that more research in needed around Indigenous Educational Media and the development of culturally relevant media for Indigenous populations in the area of Indigenous language rejuvenation.
Biography: Dr. Shawna Begay from Window Rock, AZ is the co-creator, producer, and director of Diné Bí Ná’álkid Time-A Navajo puppet language TV show. Dr. Begay earned her Ph.D. in Educational Technology from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Her dissertation was entitled, “Developing a Navajo Educational Media Guide: A Community Perspective.” Her research explores the learning objectives a media show would have if it was created for pre-school aged Navajo children. She also holds a Master of Arts in Film production from Chapman University. Dr. Begay is originally from Window Rock, Arizona and currently works for Grand Canyon University in Phoenix, Arizona.