Dr. Tiffany Lee
Dr. Tiffany S. Lee is Dibé Łizhiní (Blacksheep Diné) from Crystal, NM and Oglala Lakota from Pine Ridge, SD. She is a former high school social studies and language arts teacher. Currently, Dr. Lee is a Professor in Native American Studies at the University of New Mexico. Her research examines educational and culturally-based outcomes of Indigenous language immersion schools, Native youth perspectives on language reclamation, and socio-culturally centered education. Her work has appeared in journals, such as the American Journal of Education, Harvard Educational Review, the Journals of Language, Identity, and Education and American Indian Education; and in books, such as Indigenous youth and multilingualism: Language identity, ideology, and practice in dynamic cultural worlds and Diné Perspectives: Revitalizing and reclaiming Navajo thought. She is the former President of the Navajo Studies Conference, Inc. Board of Directors and a current member of the New Mexico Indian Education Advisory Council for the Office of Indian Education, NM Public Education Department.