22nd Diné Studies Virtual Conference Community Awardees

Diné Innovation in Practice: T’áá Diné bá éé’deitánígíí bee oonish

Awardee: Navajo Nation Division of Behavioral Health Services - Traditional Practitioners

The NN DBMHS Traditional Practitioners have provided many online presentations of healing through traditional teachings during the pandemic reaching Navajos from all over the world.

Community Service & Leadership: Yił kééhat’ínígíí yil naha’á

Awardee: Yee Ha’ólníi Doo: Navajo & Hopi Families COVID-19 Relief Fund

The Navajo & Hopi Families Covid relief fund has brought a significant amount of resources and supplies to our Navajo communities. Their fundraising effort has been very efficient to reaching families in very rural areas. They have also activated other movements through their work.

Diné Language Leadership: Táá Diné Bizaad bóhoo’aah yee sizį

Awardee: Myrtle Curley, 50/50 Immersion Teacher. Nazlini Community School, Inc.

Ms. Myrtle Curley is the Nazlini School 50/50 Immersion teacher for the past two years. She is a dynamic teacher with strong classroom management skills for curriculum writing, and teamwork through - year of classroom experiences.

Excellence in Diné Studies: Bihóneedzáago na’askáá’

Awardee: Professor Avery Denny, School of Diné Studies & Education at Diné College

Professor Denny has is a long-time educator and a medicine person. For the past thirty years, Mr. Denny has taught students the knowledge to carry them through their life's journey. As a singer and medicine person, he provides protection & healing to the entire Diné College community.