Session Three: Innovation in Climate Change

"Groundswell: Indigenous Knowledge and a Call to Action for Climate Change"

Panelists: Mary Hasbah Roessel, M.D. and Joe Neidhardt, M.D.

The presenters have been involved in a multimedia project which has produced a book, interviews and a documentary which addresses the climate crisis. They will present this information by showing the 35 minute documentary that the presenters produced. Then they will highlight recent climate science information and shift to Indigenous knowledge that can be used to address climate change and adaptation to the climate crisis. They will also touch on the Navajo nation position statement on climate change.  Topics that will be discussed and explored with the audience will include Indigenous agriculture; food security; a sharing economy; Navajo educational methods as described by the late Diné scholar, Dr. Larry Emerson; Indigenous art and its connection to nature; Indigenous young adult perspectives; spiritual beliefs and significance to climate change; creative solutions and complexity theory and how to live in two worlds productively.